This is the second time Polidomes has been chosen to host the ‘Kryptonium Mars’ educational exhibit for kids. The first exhibition took place in Wroclaw in 2019. This award winning exhibit was organized by the Gephard Group and took second place in a competition hosted by the Mars Society and NASA.
Our geodesic event dome tents were the perfect choice for this wonderful educational exhibit as NASA is currently using geodesic dome tents to test and prepare astronauts here on earth for future trips to the red planet.
The idea was to make the Mars experience in our event domes as interactive and educational as possible. The complete tour through the exhibition lasts about 45 minutes. Besides all the fun and excitement, children are given an extraordinary lesson in physics and astronomy and learn answers to questions posed by leading cosmologists.
The trip to Mars exhibition consists of five stations – flight control, where the young visitors put on special vests and learned the details of the mission. The cosmodrome – a 3D-printing station, where they learned secrets of making a Martian habitat and create their own model with the help of 3D pens and can print more complicated models themselves using a 3D printer.
A Polidome 30 m2 dome was used to create the Martian Lander where the young “astronauts” learn about special equipment and study the problems that they would have to face during such a long difficult journey.
A tunnel connects the Martian Lander with the Habitat Station which is in a Polidomes 50 m2 dome. This is where the young visitors learn about hydroponic plant cultivation, radio communications with Earth and the control panel of space vehicles. Finally, the young visitors could experience “Mars exploration” and remotely control small Martian Rovers.

Polidomes also provided custom branded logos for the outside of the domes and modular flooring to ensure comfort and safety for the young visitors as well as special lighting to complement the exhibition’s atmosphere.
This educational exhibit which was held in two of Poland’s largest malls gave students a fascinating taste of what life on Mars and space mission to Mars might be like.
Polidomes specializes in creating exhibits for education, entertainment and industry and offers full custom made solutions including AR/MR/VR hardware and software which are used for business, universities, museums and art exhibits, among others.
If you are looking to create an amazing exhibit an unforgettable experience contact our experts for top of the line service. Speak with one of our friendly representatives today to find out more about our comprehensive services. We offer free consultation.