The need to explore nature will always be part of us. Man is compelled to discover the mysteries of the world. Regardless of age or profession, we are naturally drawn to the surrounding flora and fauna. We all have the same curiosity to experience the wonders of nature as those who travel and devote their lives to research of animals or rare plants.
Distance and malevolent forces such as the destruction of nature and exploitation of creatures such as whales and dolphins significantly limits our possibilities to have close contact with nature and diverse species. As the world seemingly leans towards the abyss of self-annihilation, there is no greater time to find new ideas to spread awareness and solutions to save nature than today.

Spherical projection domes provide a solution – they enable visitors to have an experiential, multi-sensory, travel adventure to any part of the world. Our projection domes are immersive, allowing people to experience multimedia nature shows that are highly stimulating, entertaining and educational.
For example, at our implementation at Coral World Park in Israel, guests are able to experience a film production in 360 format that creates the illusion of the audience being immersed under the sea while whales swim around and above them.
There are many award winning fulldome nature films available in 360 format from all corners of the earth. The dome acts like a virtual travel machine that can transport us to anywhere and enables us and our children to explore and experience the wonders of nature without causing the slightest environmental harm.
In an era of the Internet and distractions that irretrievably steal our time, at a time when schools have little or nothing to offer and children and youth are captivated by the Internet – we must employ new solutions and approaches to the mission of protecting and respecting the earth. We must show our next generations alternatives to the apathy of meaningless cyberspace and help them find the bravery and willingness to act and save our planet.

Projection domes are a powerful medium, a new form of communication that can effectively deliver important messages to the world. Using chosen projected content provides the ability to entertain, educate and enlighten on a deeper, multi-sensory level. Projection shows can influence and motivate and perhaps most importantly have a positive impact on the issues our world faces.
Zoos and nature parks are ideal spaces to install Polidomes spherical projection tents and a great way for parks and nature areas to offer a novel, futuristic looking, nature oriented event attraction that draws attention and provides a highly entertaining experience.
Our Projection domes offer young generations educational instruction in a fascinating new format that steps outside the boundaries of traditional education. It reaches students (and adults) on a stimulating, multi-sensory level.
Projection domes are a powerful tool that have the ability to influence, teach and benefit all of us and generations to come.
We offer both sale and rental of fully equipped projection dome solutions. Our services include production and delivery of a projection dome of any size, including delivery and service of both hardware and software parts, delivery of content on selected topics as well as periodic inspections, change of repertoire, etc.