
Our portfolio
speaks for itself

We are creators who pursue excellence and give our all
to make each project we work on outstanding.
Our solutions based on geodesic tents use the latest innovative
multimedia such as 360 immersive geodesic projections, shared vr and much more...

Tara Profi in Brasov, Romania

Profi Supermarkets is currently the fastest growing retail chain in Romania. Profi operates convenience stores in the style of the Polish chain Żabka or the Asian 7-Eleven. From year to year, there are more and more stores Profi on the map of the land of Dracula. These shops are very popular, thanks to the availability of high-quality products

Polidomes at the Scottish Outdoor & Leisure Awards!

The Scottish Outdoor & Leisure Awards are prizes awarded to the best companies in the tourism and recreation industry and recreation in Scotland, with the award ceremony first held in 2016. The five companies and tourism facilities which earned the most points in an online vote were nominated to the competition. Voting ended on September
glamping dome

A New Avenue of Art – The Łaźnia Nowa Theater, Kraków, June 6 – August 27, 2016.

For the first time, Polidomes had the pleasure of participating in this type of event. Three ‘Polidome 30’ geodesic domes with transparent fronts were built for the occasion, fitting perfectly into the atmosphere of the festival. The ‘New Avenue of Art’ was organized by the Laznia Nowa Theatre beside the Kraków Nowa Huta Reservoir. It

Our Partnership with the United Nations

At the end of the greatest military conflict in human history, the Allies decided to reject Fascism once and for all, and so set to work creating a system to protect human rights. In this way, the United Nations was founded. Initially, only 26 countries took part in the anti-fascist coalition; but, when the Charter of the United Nations – the

‘Healthy Pomerania’ Event at the Gdańsk Coal Market, 31.07-14.08.2016

From July 31 to August 14, during the St. Dominic Fair in Gdansk, the Pomeranian Voivodship Marshal’s Office launched the ‘Healthy Pomerania’ campaign, which aimed to raise residents’ and visitors’ awareness of the importance of preventative medicine. The Polidomes company took part in this event, preparing a spherical Polidome 75

Lublin European Funds Open Day – May 14, 2016

"European Funds Open Days" (EFOD) is the largest nationwide campaign to promote projects co-financed with EU funds. They aim to raise awareness of what many EU projects have managed to achieve, and why they are so important for society. For three years now, one weekend in May is turned into a "Festival of European Funds," organised by the

The International Leipzig Festival for Documentary and Animated Films

Polidome 30 geodesic event tent and Polidome 50 sphere marquee housed the exhibition. The International Leipzig Festival for Documentary and Animated Film (DOK LEIPZIG) is the largest and most important festival for documentary and the animated film in Germany. It is the oldest event of its kind in the world. The festival was first held in